Excel for the Rest of Us
Class 1
Last update:
October 14, 2024
- Please bring a USB flash drive (thumb drive) with you to every class.
- I will post files here that you should download to your thumb drive and bring with you.
- If you are an ICL instructor, bring your Utah Tech classroom computer login information.
- For those who don't have login information, we'll set you up ahead of class, so come a bit early if you can. Although the class starts at 11:30, I'll be there by 11:00.
- If you plan to use your own laptop, please:
- Make sure you have Excel installed already, or have a Microsoft account to be able to use the
web version of Excel.
- Bring a mouse! Easier for you, and very helpful for me to give one-on-one help.
- If you're using a Mac, or Google Sheets, I'll try to help where I can, but I'm not completely conversant with those.
- If you have your own project or class slide show you want to work on, bring that also on your flash drive.
We try to allow time to work on your own material.
- I will provide printed handouts for in-class exercises this time.
Download the following files to your thumb drive or laptop. Right-click on the link and choose Save Link As, and select the location
you want to download to (e.g., your thumb drive). If you just click on the link, it will open it in your browser,
but you want to download, not open. Always choose
Save Link As
to download.